Your Custom Home Must Conform to Local Building Codes
Custom homes require top-notch homebuilders who understand the regulations in your chosen area so that the building conforms to the proper safety standards. When you are selecting a homebuilder, it is essential to choose someone who you can communicate with about your design. Building your own home is probably a lifelong dream, and you will want it to have the floor plan that works for your family. You may want to have numerous bathrooms so that each family member has his own bathtub, sink and toilet, or you might want to have a kitchen that has multiple ovens because you love to bake cakes and pies.
Have a Custom Home that Meets Your Specialized Requirements
If you have mobility issues, then custom homes are the perfect choice because you can design a building that has extra-wide doors, wheelchair ramps and easy-to-use doorknobs. For custom homes, you will need a knowledgeable designer or an architect to help you plan every aspect of the building, including the foundation, roof and interior structures. At Rampart Homes in Sarasota, Fla., we only hire licensed professional tradesmen to work on the drywall, paving and plumbing installations.
Brigitte is fluent in German & English and has a basic knowledge of Spanish and French.
She is an International Business Professional, Former Bank CEO and her top skills are HR Manager, Executive Management, Financial Accounting, and Business Administration.
Brigitte is a graduate of the University of Duisburg-Essen and the Albert Ludwigs-University of Freiburg in Germany and has Master’s and bachelor’s degrees in business, administration, education, and social education with a focus on Industrial and organizational psychology. In addition, she holds various internationally recognized management and professional qualifications, licenses, and certifications. She has received awards for her personal commitment and professional success.