In this uncertain financial environment where one seems to find unscrupulous business people at every turn, I consider myself extremely fortunate to have engaged John R. King of Rampart Homes as my contractor. Integrity is a cornerstone of his character and his firm.
Rampart Homes just completed a custom building project for me. Mr. King coordinated the work himself. I found him to be totally dependable, amazingly honest, and very accommodating. When addressing every problem and question, he was professional and worked to guard my best interests. The end result was the home I always wanted and I have asked him to build a home for my parents as well.
Brigitte is fluent in German & English and has a basic knowledge of Spanish and French.
She is an International Business Professional, Former Bank CEO and her top skills are HR Manager, Executive Management, Financial Accounting, and Business Administration.
Brigitte is a graduate of the University of Duisburg-Essen and the Albert Ludwigs-University of Freiburg in Germany and has Master’s and bachelor’s degrees in business, administration, education, and social education with a focus on Industrial and organizational psychology. In addition, she holds various internationally recognized management and professional qualifications, licenses, and certifications. She has received awards for her personal commitment and professional success.